( FITNESS ) 🏃‍♂️

“SoccerFitness“is described is as the 5 S’s listed below. These are the core aspects of soccer fitness that every player and soccer coach should focus on. The main key for soccer players is a combination of aerobicand anaerobic fitness due to the game stoping and starting almost constantly – from sprinting to jogging to walking.

  • speed
  • strength
  • stamina
  • suppleness
  • skill

1. Aerobic Soccer Fitness 

Aerobic fitness determines the level at which you can take in and use oxygen to perform an activity. An activity like walking doesn’t put much stress on your body and most people can cope with this aerobic activity. Aerobic activities are activities like jogging, where you can continue without getting too tired. You work at a rate which means you don’t get completely fatigued or out of breath. Aerobic training will increase the level at which this fatigue takes place, and will make your heart and lungs more efficient for exercise. You will be able to run further and faster before getting tired.

2. Anaerobic Soccer Fitness 

Anaerobic fitness determines the level at which you can work at a high intensity. This usually means short bursts of activity,   where you will often be out of breath. You are working at a level where your body cannot provide enough oxygen and your muscles need to get energy from glycogen. You can only work for a short time at this level before you get too fatigued and go into something called “oxygen debt”.

An examples of anaerobic exercise is sprinting. Anaerobic training, will make your body more efficient at using glycogen as a stored fuel and also help it deal with oxygen debt. One effect of oxygen debt is the build up of lactic acid, which is felt when your legs for example, feel a burning sensation at the end of an intense long sprint. This lactic acid needs to be removed from muscles as quickly as possible and anaerobic training helps make your muscles more efficient at coping with lactic acid and better at removing waste products from muscles.

3. Overall

Soccer players need a combination of aerobic and anaerobic fitness due to the nature of the game and the fact that there is continuous movement with lots of short bursts of more intense activity. Some positions require higher levels of anaerobic fitness than others, some require more aerobic fitness. A midfield player, is required to cover a lot of ground during a game and needs a good aerobic engine. A striker on the other hand requires short bursts of repeated activity and requires more speed and anaerobic fitness.

Bleep Test is a multistage test to estimate a players maximum oxygen uptake. The test is often referred as beep test , pacer test or 20 metre shuttle runs. Very popular as most soccer teams use this as it’s crucial to test for cardiovascular fitness. This is a valuable asset for a soccer player.

“ At least for soccer players, it comes down to a blend of two types of fitness – your base endurance, which comes from longer distance running, and your speed, which comes from sprint-based workout's”

- Heather O’Reilly